You will never guess where we went last week! We went to Tampa to see the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus "Best of Both Worlds" concert! I am a member of her fan club, so we got our tickets a long time ago. My friend Sarah went too, and my grandma and grandpa were here from Indiana and went to Tampa but not to the concert. We stayed overnight and we were out of school all week because of the Thanksgiving vacation.
First we all went to the Miley World pre-party. There was a bunch of newscasts and helicopters and lots of KIDS. We got our picture taken with Miley's grandma. We really wanted to win the backstage passes to meet Miley. But we didn't. We won some bracelets though. Miley World had a great big pink bus with neat things for the party.
First the Jonas Brothers sang their songs. They sang all of our favorites and there were a couple new ones. AND THEN after them, out came Hannah Montana. Here she is singing with the Jonas Brothers for their last song. She did that before she left to turn into her real self, Miley! They were fantabulous. My favorite song was SOS (Jonas Brothers). I loved them but we were so excited to see Hannah!!!!!!!!!
Mom took this incredibly awesomely cool picture of Miley as herself! This is right when she came out. She came out from a trap door kind of thing in the stage. You can see it by her feet. Miley was really fun to see. We love all of her songs and sang the whole time.
Here is a neat view from our seats. We had glow sticks and it looks so pretty when everyone waved theirs around.
The concert was the most fun I have ever had in my entire life! It was awesomely coolio. Miley/Hannah had all sorts of very pretty outfits and she changed clothes super fast. Her dancers were really good too. I loved how loud the music was and how all the kids would scream really loud when we were excited. We took SO MANY pictures!