We love to go to the beach when it is really hot out. We like to boogie board and we like to play in the ocean. I have never had swimming lessons. But one day my cousin was at the beach with me and we were both really little. When my mom came home from work I told her that I could swim. And she said "no you can't!" and I said "yes I can" and then we repeated that over about 5 times until I jumped in the pool and amazed her. Yes, my cousin had taught me how to swim at the beach!!!!! My cousin is also my best friend in the whole entire universe!
Did you know that sea turtles lay their eggs on the beach and then bury them? A fact that I learned is that when the sea turtles hatch and grow up and then go to lay their own eggs, they lay them right where they were born! I don't know how they can do that, but they do!
The signs are to keep the sea turtle eggs safe. One of the rules is that you could go to prison if you bother the nest. And you could have a fine too. Well you can read the sign.
Here is my little sister looking for shells! There are tons and tons and tons of shells there sometimes when the tide goes out. Once I collected shells to make a necklace but I never got to finish it. I have always wanted to find on the beach a whole scallop with both sides attached. We find lots of pretty ones, but only one side. Another thing I've always wanted to find is a gigantic starfish.
This really tall yucca or aloe type plant is blooming. That tall stalk is its flower and you can see how tall it is compared to the sign. I don't know the name of the plant yet.
do you mean me about teaching you how to swim?if you do i think remaber that see you soon.-emma
Thank you for the tour of the beach! The information about the sea turtles is very interesting and I am glad to see that they are well protected!
When I was little, I wanted so much to do rhythmic (probably spelled VERY wrong) breathing so I could swim farther....one night, I dreamed I could do it. The next day, I convinced my mother to take me to the lake. I got into the water, and guess what? Yup, I was doing it! Swimming is such a great sport, and isn't it fun?
yes i mean you emma
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