My aunt and my uncle and my four cousins were here visiting from Missouri. We decided to go to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure while they were here. I have never really gone on a big roller coaster before because I was not tall enough. I guess I grew since we were there a little while ago, because this time I was finally tall enough to ride the one called Dueling Dragons!!!! My best friend who is my cousin named Emma got me talked into going on it and I was so scared at first. I really wanted to bail while I was in line. We had no line though because we stayed at a resort that gave us quick fast passes. So that didn't give me any time to bail out. But I am very glad that I went on that roller coaster because I LOVED IT!
The roller coaster had the seats underneath the track and it went upside down many times. On one of the loops when you are going up, you can see the other track and the other people's feet. My mom never saw any of that, though, because she never opened her eyes!!!
And something that I did not notice is that it looks like you are going to smash into the castle wall. After that day ended, I couldn't scream at all anymore. And I still can't at full volume!
At Universal, I went on another roller coaster. It is called the Revenge of the Mummy. It was one of my favorite things because it was decorated as Egypt. I loved Egyptian things since we learned about it in school last year. Another thing I learned about is that I LOVED the gift shop at that ride because of the Egyptian things.
The picture on this post is not a roller coaster. It is a Jurassic park boat ride, and yes, I am on that actual boat! My aunt had a feeling and took the picture just as we came down. The last hill was 85 feet tall.
tay tell g he needs to update his blog emma
It looks like you have been having a lot of fun this summer! There were three large roller coasters at the park we visited last week...I didn't go on any of them. (bruck, bruck, bruck...yes, I am a chicken!!!!)
I like the looks of that water roller looks like fun and COOL, too!
I LOVE the new look of your blog!!! It is so pretty and perfect!!!
I love roller coasters...and tell your mom that she should open her eyes while riding them...they're great! :)
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