Saturday, June 16, 2007

My First Blog Post!

Welcome to my new blog! I am going to share some of the fun things I do with my family and maybe some poems or stories I make up. Movie and book reviews would be fun, too, because I read a lot of books and go to the movies a lot.

I have a pet bunny named Wiggles, two horses at home named Koty and Dusty, a lot of cats, a hamster, lots of fish, and wild raccoons.

I am starting at the YMCA for the summer. I am excited about that because on Tuesday I am going to a local waterpark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Katya said...

Hi Tay!
Congratulations on beginning your new blog...have lots of fun with it!
I will certainly be looking in to see any news you have to offer, or pictures to share! I love taking pictures as much as writing, so every day, I get out and take as many as I can.
I will be looking forward to seeing your horses, cats, and whatever else you take pictures of and about!!! (remember, one of the big tips that photographers use is taking pictures in the morning when the sun is just up, or in the evening, just before dark...those are when the sun isn't too bright!)
Looking forward to reading some more about your adventures! Oh, and also remember that even days when you aren't doing something "special", you can write about "everyday" types of things too. How else would we have ever known so much about Laura Ingalls Wilder?

Tay said...

Thank you for looking at my blog. I will try to have some good stuff. And I love little house on the pairie.

Anonymous said...

i am looking forword to seeing what cool things you ut in your blog tell every one i said hi -emma